Thoughts and Ideas
We like to keep an eye out on what’s happening in the Digital and business world. Here are some of thoughts and ideas

9 questions you need to ask your agency but you won’t!
It’s critical to ask the right questions up front to ensure your agency can meet all your needs. A lot of the time though, important questions that can improve the relationship with your agency aren’t asked, causing misunderstandings and cost overruns. Good agencies...
Top 5 reasons you need a website facelift now!
When it comes to today’s 24/7 world, nothing is more important than having a professional presence on the web. With that in mind here are our top 5 reasons to create or update your company website. A quality website will add a professional touch to your brand or...
White Hat SEO
So, What is White Hat SEO, Anyway? White Hat SEO is the opposite of Black Hat SEO. Generally, White Hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search performance on a search engine results page (SERP)while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying...
Content Is King
Any Business owner knows that having good quality content is critical to online success and reaching an audience to provide them with value. Your goal is conversions. You want to make content so valuable that your target audience keeps coming back to your website for...
Black Hat SEO?
In the world of search engine optimisation, there are various terms associated with it. Each of them has its own crucial role played in the overall performance of a business website. There are also various techniques and strategies applied to every situation or...
Live Chat on Websites
Live Chat used to mean using a service such as MSM Messenger To send real time messages back and forth to each other. It was a separate piece of software that you installed on your computer and you could only talk to those people in your contacts list. As social media...
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