Now don’t be sad ’cause two out of three ain’t bad!

There is a well-known song by the Rock Legend Meatloaf called Two out of three ain’t bad. Life in an agency can sometimes feel like that. 


There’s a running joke that exists among agencies and creative teams in the digital world.  For any project that we do for a client they can pick  2 of the following options:

You can have something FAST and CHEAP, but it won’t be GOOD.
You can have something GOOD and CHEAP, but it won’t be FAST.
You can have something FAST and GOOD, but it won’t be CHEAP.

Here is where the lyrics from Meatloaf come in handy.  Now don’t be sad ’cause two out of three ain’t bad!

Let’s look at this a bit more.

What do we mean by GOOD? 

First of all, you have to define the term. “Good.”  Good in website design,  would basically be having an attractive, functional and fully optimised website.  Based upon that, you’ve got to determine how your timescales, needs and budget fit into it.

Good and Fast will not be Cheap – To get the website of your dreams in a hurry, will mean that you hire quality designers that can drop everything they are doing to get you on the web, for a nice fee that will allow them to do so.  What you want and how quickly you need it will determine the price, and “expensive” is relative.  But know this, you will get what you pay for… in both a good and bad way.

Good and Cheap will not be Fast – Again, you will hire quality designers who will work within your budget but you will be threaded in with the other demanding clients.  Not saying you’ll have to wait a long time or that your project will not be a priority, but the price will not allow them to push you to number 1 status.

Fast and Cheap will not be Good – Based upon the first two explanations, I think you can deduce that going this route will be a case of “you get what you pay for”… but not in a good way.  It won’t be awful, but it won’t ideally be what you wanted for your website or business.

It’s your call which 2 options do you want to pick?. Is effectiveness important? or efficiency? Cost or quality? It’s good to be aware of your objectives and the time and cost required to make those objectives happen.

Want to discuss a GOOD and FAST Project feel free to get in touch with the NetNutz Team. Fill in  the form below and  lets start our journey together! 

Let’s create something together.


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